Saturday, January 9, 2016

Leo and Oscars (first draft)

 I'm feeling good about his one. Leo has been dicked around by the Oscar Establishment of Pacino like proportions. Starting off in 1994 (Schindler's List) w/ "Where's" Arnie Grape, he lost to Tommy Lee Jones (The Fugitive), who really had the third best performance that year. Honestly, I'd've given Leo the runner up to Amon Goeth. But nether the less, he's still way more deserving than Tommy Lee Jones. 2005 (Million Dollar Baby) could have easily been his year. Mr. DiCaprio's turn as Howard Hughes is mesmerizing; however, notta nobody was stopping Jamie Foxx/Ray Charles. Sometimes a Travis Bickle runs into a Howard Beale. What are ya gonna do? 2007 (The Departed) is the weirdest Leo Oscar year. Dude gets nominated for Blood Diamond and his super suspect Afrikaner accent and loses to Forrest Whitaker/Idi Amin and his super suspect Ugangian flatulence, even though the Gos totes should've won for Half Nelson. *2007 also brings to mind the factoid that Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio has starred in (not merely acted) but Starred in not one, but Two Best Picture Winners. And not only was he denied a statue yet again, but the poor guy couldn't even get NOMINTED in either of the Best Picture winners in which he was the leading fucking man. Everyone got goddamn nominated for Titanic (1998). So Jack won in '98 for As Good As it Gets. Fine. Hard to argue against Jack. But Caps couldn't even get a nomination against the likes of Robert Duvall in The Apostle, Peter Fonda for Ulee's Flippin' Gold, Dustin Hoffman for Wag the Dog, and Matt "World Police" Damon. So saving the best for last, we get to 2014 (12 Years a Slave). I'm not going to get into why 12 Years is a mediocre-ona-good-day spare ass liberal schlock of a film, if, ya know, you're into the whole brevity thing. Not only did 12 Years suck, but so did Dallas Buyers Club. Now I know, a McConaughey/Betty White ticket would beat Trump or Hilary in a landslide, but his performance in that lame straight-washed homophobic movie-of-the-week movie will looked at by future generations like Al Jolson in the Jazz Singer. Bruce Dern, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and particularly Christian Bale gave truly moving performances. BUT Jordan Belfort blows all of these performances out of the mother licking, cock choking water. It's easily his most challenging and impressive work to date. That said, the Revenant looks like the soul crushing, back breaking visceral type of epic blah blah blah that might, nay must, put him over the proverbial fucking hump.

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